Two Days in Thailand: Bangkok and the Beach (Mostly Pictures)

Temple of the Emerald Buddah

These are pictures from Bangkok’s Temple of the Emerald Buddha, where we spent much of Tuesday.  So much beauty and mystery here. Above is part of the multiple-building temple.  Below are a couple more scenes.  It was really really hot and really really crowded as so many people, both the devout and the tourists, gathered to see the painstaking work that created this beautiful place.



A small closeup of the beautiful work that covers all these buildings — executed, I learned, by both men AND women.


One of a series of panels from the Ramayana that wanders through the Temple complex.

I couldn’t resist this adorable little guy, sitting on a small block outside the building where Thailand holds coronations.


Our next day was fun – lounging and picnicking on the beaches of Ko Kut.

Our ship, #SeabournSojourn, anchored for our beach excursion.
Our picnic scene, viewed as we walked from the tender to the shore.

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I had to include this; you’ll never guess what it is.  Part of our adventure was “Caviar in the Surf” which is just what it sounds like.  It was really weird – not the event but what it looked like.  Droves of our fellow passengers moving together from the beach out into the sea to the tables of caviar — kind of spooky looking from the shore but a great treat for all.

We leave in the morning for Angkor Wat.  More from there.