Bloggers Support Kim Gandy for Women’s Bureau Leadership,

Women's buro
Despite the unpleasant posturing of the New Agenda, leading feminist bloggers are lifting their voices (or keyboards) in support of Kim Gandy, currently President of NOW, as the best and most effective candidate for leadership of the Labor Department's Women's Bureau.  Among those speaking up are Liza Sabater of Culture Kitchen, Veronica Arreola at Viva La Feminista, PunditMom's Joanne Bamberger, Jill Miller Zimon at Writes Like She Talks, and me.  We need more!

2 thoughts on “Bloggers Support Kim Gandy for Women’s Bureau Leadership,”

  1. Why do you think Kim is a better candidate than Ellen Bravo? Ellen has spent her whole life working on working women’s issues. She’s fantastic. Have you checked out the 9 to 5 website or any of her books??? You can try
    Just because you support Kim personally doesn’t mean a more deserving candidate should be passed over. That’s just being reactionary.
    Ellen is hands-down the right person for the job. Why not support her?

  2. Ciccina,
    I’m sure Ellen is great. But Kim has been working nationally, with women all over the country, for years. She’s spearheaded some great programs and shown remarkable leadership and inclusiveness in her years at NOW, and I have enormous respect for her.
    I was also troubled at the outright attack on her. One can advocate for one’s candidate, as you did, without trashing another capable woman. It was disappointing to see that happening, which is why I wrote these two posts.
    Thanks for commenting.

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